INFO: version 1.1.28 starting...
Start: init plugins
INFO: tmpfs initialized
INFO: selinux enabled
Finish: init plugins
Start: run
INFO: Start(/mnt/dar/packages/perl-Sys-Mmap/  Config(fedora-12-i386)
Start: lock buildroot
Start: clean chroot
INFO: chroot (/var/lib/mock/fedora-12-i386) unlocked and deleted
Finish: clean chroot
Finish: lock buildroot
Start: chroot init
Start: lock buildroot
Mock Version: 1.1.28
INFO: Mock Version: 1.1.28
INFO: calling preinit hooks
INFO: mounting tmpfs at /var/lib/mock/fedora-12-i386/root/.
INFO: enabled root cache
INFO: enabled yum cache
Start: cleaning yum metadata
Finish: cleaning yum metadata
INFO: enabled ccache
Start: device setup
Finish: device setup
Start: yum update
INFO: unmounting tmpfs.
ERROR: Exception(/mnt/dar/packages/perl-Sys-Mmap/ Config(fedora-12-i386) 0 minutes 3 seconds
INFO: Results and/or logs in: /var/lib/mock/fedora-12-i386/result
ERROR: Command failed: 
 # ['/usr/bin/yum', '--installroot', '/var/lib/mock/fedora-12-i386/root/', 'groupinstall', 'buildsys-build', '--setopt=tsflags=nocontexts']

 Package               Arch   Version                    Repository        Size
 bash                  i686   4.0.38-1.fc12              updates-released 802 k
 bzip2                 i686   1.0.6-1.fc12               updates-released  48 k
 coreutils             i686   7.6-11.fc12                updates-released 2.8 M
 cpio                  i686   2.10-5.fc12                updates-released 191 k
 diffutils             i686   2.8.1-25.fc12              fedora           187 k
 fedora-release        noarch 12-2                       updates-released  20 k
 findutils             i686   1:4.4.2-8.fc12             updates-released 414 k
 gawk                  i686   3.1.7-3.fc12               updates-released 769 k
 gcc                   i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 8.1 M
 gcc-c++               i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 4.3 M
 grep                  i686   2.6.3-1.fc12               updates-released 226 k
 gzip                  i686   1.3.12-15.fc12             updates-released 113 k
 info                  i686   4.13a-9.fc12               updates-released 172 k
 make                  i686   1:3.81-18.fc12             fedora           366 k
 patch                 i686   2.6.1-4.fc12               updates-released  97 k
 redhat-rpm-config     noarch 9.0.3-18.fc12              fedora            53 k
 rpm-build             i686   4.7.2-2.fc12               updates-released 118 k
 sed                   i686   4.2.1-5.fc12               updates-released 213 k
 shadow-utils          i686   2:           updates-released 904 k
 tar                   i686   2:1.22-13.fc12             updates-released 744 k
 unzip                 i686   5.52-12.fc12               updates-released 122 k
 util-linux-ng         i686   2.16.2-9.fc12              updates-released 1.4 M
 which                 i686   2.19-5.fc12                fedora            37 k
Installing for dependencies:
 audit-libs            i686   2.0.4-1.fc12               updates-released  61 k
 basesystem            noarch 10.0-3                     fedora           4.2 k
 binutils              i686       updates-released 2.7 M
 bzip2-libs            i686   1.0.6-1.fc12               updates-released  36 k
 ca-certificates       noarch 2009-2.fc12                fedora           300 k
 cloog-ppl             i686   0.15.7-1.fc12              fedora            81 k
 coreutils-libs        i686   7.6-11.fc12                updates-released  43 k
 cpp                   i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 3.3 M
 cracklib              i686   2.8.13-6                   fedora            45 k
 cracklib-dicts        i686   2.8.13-6                   fedora           3.0 M
 curl                  i686   7.19.7-13.fc12             updates-released 191 k
 cyrus-sasl-lib        i686   2.1.23-9.fc12              updates-released 135 k
 db4                   i686   4.7.25-13.fc12             fedora           537 k
 db4-utils             i686   4.7.25-13.fc12             fedora           121 k
 elfutils              i686   0.148-1.fc12               updates-released 206 k
 elfutils-libelf       i686   0.148-1.fc12               updates-released 168 k
 elfutils-libs         i686   0.148-1.fc12               updates-released 193 k
 file                  i686   5.03-14.fc12               updates-released  43 k
 file-libs             i686   5.03-14.fc12               updates-released 302 k
 filesystem            i686   2.4.30-2.fc12              fedora           1.0 M
 gdbm                  i686   1.8.0-33.fc12              fedora            27 k
 glibc                 i686   2.11.2-3                   updates-released 4.2 M
 glibc-common          i686   2.11.2-3                   updates-released  14 M
 glibc-devel           i686   2.11.2-3                   updates-released 955 k
 glibc-headers         i686   2.11.2-3                   updates-released 592 k
 gmp                   i686   4.3.1-5.fc12               fedora           308 k
 kernel-headers        i686         updates-released 765 k
 keyutils-libs         i686   1.2-6.fc12                 fedora            18 k
 krb5-libs             i686   1.7.1-14.fc12              updates-released 657 k
 less                  i686   436-6.fc12                 updates-released 106 k
 libacl                i686   2.2.49-3.fc12              updates-released  23 k
 libattr               i686   2.4.44-1.fc12              updates-released  14 k
 libblkid              i686   2.16.2-9.fc12              updates-released  88 k
 libcap                i686   2.16-5.fc12                fedora            29 k
 libcom_err            i686   1.41.9-8.fc12              updates-released  33 k
 libcurl               i686   7.19.7-13.fc12             updates-released 166 k
 libgcc                i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 103 k
 libgomp               i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 109 k
 libidn                i686   1.9-5                      fedora           185 k
 libselinux            i686   2.0.90-5.fc12              updates-released 104 k
 libsepol              i686   2.0.41-3.fc12              updates-released 125 k
 libssh2               i686   1.2.4-1.fc12               updates-released  77 k
 libstdc++             i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 290 k
 libstdc++-devel       i686   4.4.4-10.fc12              updates-released 1.5 M
 libuuid               i686   2.16.2-9.fc12              updates-released  59 k
 lua                   i686   5.1.4-4.fc12               fedora           193 k
 mpfr                  i686   2.4.1-5.fc12               updates-released 154 k
 ncurses               i686   5.7-3.20090207.fc12        fedora           264 k
 ncurses-base          i686   5.7-3.20090207.fc12        fedora            58 k
 ncurses-libs          i686   5.7-3.20090207.fc12        fedora           235 k
 nspr                  i686   4.8.6-1.fc12               updates-released 112 k
 nss                   i686   3.12.8-2.fc12              updates-released 756 k
 nss-softokn           i686   3.12.8-1.fc12              updates-released 171 k
 nss-softokn-freebl    i686   3.12.8-1.fc12              updates-released 112 k
 nss-sysinit           i686   3.12.8-2.fc12              updates-released  27 k
 nss-util              i686   3.12.8-1.fc12              updates-released  45 k
 openldap              i686   2.4.19-6.fc12              updates-released 234 k
 openssl               i686   1.0.0b-1.fc12.1            updates-released 1.4 M
 pam                   i686   1.1.1-6.fc12               updates-released 646 k
 pcre                  i686   7.8-3.fc12                 fedora           183 k
 perl                  i686   4:5.10.0-96.fc12           updates-released 9.7 M
 perl-Module-Pluggable i686   1:3.90-96.fc12             updates-released  34 k
 perl-Pod-Escapes      i686   1:1.04-96.fc12             updates-released  27 k
 perl-Pod-Simple       i686   1:3.07-96.fc12             updates-released 193 k
 perl-libs             i686   4:5.10.0-96.fc12           updates-released 795 k
 perl-version          i686   3:0.82-1.fc12              updates-released  70 k
 pkgconfig             i686   1:0.23-9.fc12              fedora            64 k
 popt                  i686   1.13-6.fc12                fedora            37 k
 ppl                   i686   0.10.2-10.fc12             fedora           1.1 M
 readline              i686   6.0-3.fc12                 fedora           169 k
 rpm                   i686   4.7.2-2.fc12               updates-released 872 k
 rpm-libs              i686   4.7.2-2.fc12               updates-released 322 k
 setup                 noarch 2.8.9-3.fc12               updates-released 145 k
 sqlite                i686         atomic           322 k
 tzdata                noarch 2010o-1.fc12               updates-released 441 k
 xz                    i686   4.999.9-0.2.beta.20091007git.fc12
                                                         updates-released 137 k
 xz-libs               i686   4.999.9-0.2.beta.20091007git.fc12
                                                         updates-released  94 k
 xz-lzma-compat        i686   4.999.9-0.2.beta.20091007git.fc12
                                                         updates-released  15 k
 zlib                  i686   1.2.3-23.fc12              fedora            69 k

Transaction Summary
Install  23 Packages (+79 Dependent packages)

Total size: 78 M
Installed size: 285 M

Transaction Check Error:
  file /usr/lib/locale conflicts between attempted installs of glibc-common-2.11.2-3.i686 and filesystem-2.4.30-2.fc12.i686

Error Summary